Leader reflections
2024 Roadmap
Looking back and
moving forward
A message from the Chief Executive Officer
Progress and participation
Our approach is now active in 11 schools and early learning centres in nine communities across Victoria.
In 2023, an estimated 4,800 children attended school or early learning at an Our Place site. In addition, there were more than 35,000 attendances by adults and children who accessed over 280 services and activities at Our Place sites. This level of participation means we are on track to achieve impact in the years ahead. This progress reflects the significant effort of our teams to continue their critical work with families and partners in their communities.
Throughout 2023, Our Place hosted various visitors to share our work’s lessons.
Collaborating with government
At the start of the year, we turned an important page in our journey through the three yearly-review of our partnership with the Victorian Government. This unique partnership enables us to work together to deliver our ambitious agenda with communities and to identify how the evidence and lessons from our work can be adopted in wider policy. We have also continued to share the insights from our partnership, by publishing Insights for walking alongside: Lessons learnt from the Our Place partnership.
Our guests included representatives from the Victorian Government, Federal Ministers for Early Childhood Education and Children, thought leaders, academics, and architecture firms designing new early childhood learning centres. We also actively contributed to wider policy and advocacy through multiple submissions to government reviews and inquiries.
Philanthropic partnerships
In 2023, we welcomed two new long-term philanthropic partners, Kennards Hire Foundation and Brian M. Davis Charitable Foundation. We were also thrilled to witness several of our philanthropic partners collaborating with the Federal Government through the Investment Dialogue for Australia’s Children. This collaboration aims to improve the wellbeing of children and their families by reducing intergenerational disadvantage. Our Place serves as a leading example of successful government-philanthropy collaboration, and we eagerly anticipate the impact of this initiative.
Evaluating our impact
We have refined of our Theory of Change, articulating how the Our Place approach generates impact. The revised version captures the complexity of our multidisciplinary approach, as well as the different impacts of the work of Our Place team members and our partners. You can find a detailed explanation of our Theory of Change on page 8.
In 2023, we also revised our comprehensive Evaluation Plan in consultation with key partners and our Evaluation Advisory Group. The plan sets out a streamlined forward path for evaluation outputs, including a 2024 Emerging Findings Report that will draw together all previously collected qualitative and quantitative data. In addition, our backbone funding partner Paul Ramsay Foundation has engaged Nous Group to conduct a multi-year evaluation of Our Place. This will complement our existing data and analysis through economic modelling that quantifies impact at a student, school and community level.
Sustaining and scaling our approach
Looking ahead to 2024, we will advance our ambition of having the Our Place sites continue beyond 2029 when the current Our Place partnership with the Victorian Government is due to end. We will also continue to actively advocate for the wider adoption of the Our Place approach, with our goal to make integrated school-based community platforms that support children and families experiencing disadvantage the norm, rather than the exception.
Sean Cory, Chief Executive Officer
A Message from the Executive Director
Early years strategy and reforms
We strengthened our focus on the early years of a child’s development through the appointment of Elfie Taylor as Director - Early Years and the advancement of our strategy for children aged 0-3, which has been driven by extensive research and consultation in the areas of maternal and child health, prenatal and postnatal support, and supported playgroups.
Prominent state-level reforms, exemplified by the Best Start, Best Life initiatives in Victoria, have had a profound impact on the early years landscape. As a member of the Taskforce, I have been actively engaged in these discussions and wholeheartedly commend the Victorian Government for their dedication to making three and four-year-old kindergarten accessible and free for families. We congratulate the Victorian Government for their commitment to adding 50 new integrated centres by 2025 as part of this substantial agenda. We pledge our ongoing support to ensure that Victoria continues to lead in this field.
Advocacy and collaborations
At both state and national levels, Our Place played a crucial role in various roundtable meetings and actively contributed to discussions regarding early years reform agendas. Our Place has been a key contributor to the national early years reform agenda, actively participating in the Child and Family Health Hub Network Steering Committee, and maintaining collaborative relationships with Social Ventures Australia and Minderoo’s Thrive by Five. Additionally, Our Place plays a role on the Planning Committee for the Thriving Kids Queensland practice development project, focused on creating practice guides for hub sites throughout Queensland and other states.
Our international collaborations flourished, particularly with Professor Jane Bertrand’s visit from Canada in March. Her engagement with Our Place sites and discussions with state government representatives brought valuable perspectives to the ongoing reforms. Notably, Sir Kevan Collins and Professor Bertrand served as keynote speakers at state and national conferences, sparking meaningful dialogues with senior government officials regarding the reforms.
Implementation of the Our Place approach
The Principals and Early Years Network meeting held in November, chaired by Sir Kevan Collins, showcased key achievements in Continuity of Learning, emphasising the progress made this year and provided a forum for joint future planning.
We appreciate and thank the strong dedication of our staff and site partners, which has enabled this work to be so successful to date.
During 2023, we worked with Dandolo Partners to update our series of Evidence Papers, which reviews the latest evidence underpinning the Our Place approach. These papers guide the day-to-day efforts of our dedicated staff, influencing our approach and strategies. Throughout 2024, we will unpack these valuable resources for our team, inviting participation from interested stakeholders and site partners. These papers are openly accessible to anyone in the sector with an interest in place-based approaches.
As we navigate the challenges and opportunities ahead, we express gratitude to our staff, site partners, international and local experts, stakeholders, and the various national, state and local government departments we work with and who share our vision to achieving positive outcomes for all children and their families especially those living in disadvantage.
June McLoughlin AM, Executive Director