flag Implementation phase
Sustained Implementation – Step Five
bookmarksSite priorities
- Children in the Carlton community grow up healthy and happy.
- Children are engaged and supported in their learning.
- Families are supported and connected to their children’s learning.
- Families in Carlton feel connected to the community.
groups Site Partnership Group
Carlton Primary School, City of Melbourne, cohealth, Department of Education, Gowrie Victoria, Department of Families Fairness and Housing and Colman Education Foundation (Our Place).
attach_money Funding Partner
Ray & Margaret Wilson Foundation.
attendances in 2023
An attendance happens each time a person attends a service or activity.
keyboard_return Looking Back
Moving Forward keyboard_return
- Health and wellbeing services: Expanded access onsite including cohealth Speech Pathology, Community Health Nurse and Community Connector Team, and NDIS drop-in support. Implemented a site-wide approach to promoting Healthy Eating and established a parent support group for families with children with additional needs.
- Adult learning and employment support: A total of 98 individuals sought education and employment support through the Our Place Community Facilitators from January to October 2023.
- Professional development and collaboration: Formed a site-wide group to foster shared professional practice and collaborative projects. Also developed a Practice Principles Statement and created a visual referral pathways map for improved information sharing.
- Multilingual Supported Playgroup: Successfully reestablished onsite, emphasising play-based and multilingual learning, which connected families and onsite education and health services, promoting school readiness.
- After-school sports program: Forged a valuable partnership with Reclink Australia to offer an afterschool sports program, including soccer.
- Community Engagement and Support: Increased word-of-mouth referrals from community members to newly arrived families, which boosted attendance and facilitated crucial connections to services.
- Enhancing early learning opportunities: Embed a sitewide approach to enhance access to early learning opportunities for more families residing in the Carlton Housing Estate. Introduce Paint the Town REaD program to increase the frequency of reading to children.
- Continuity of Learning: Expand the Continuity of Learning approach to include playgroups and engage parents and caregivers, emphasising precinct-wide early language and literacy development.
- Engagement with services: Strengthen the capacity of parents and caregivers to effectively engage with and utilise services that promote children’s health and development.
- Parent confidence: Support parents and caregivers in building their confidence to understand and connect with educational environments.
- Children with additional needs: Implement a collaborative approach to ensure ongoing care and support for families with children who have additional needs.
- Volunteer recruitment and mentoring: Develop a sitewide approach for recruiting, inducting, and mentoring volunteers.