flag Implementation phase
Sustained implementation – Step Five (Morwell Central) Establishment and Engagement - Step Two (Morwell Park)
bookmarksSite priorities
- Children in the Morwell community grow up healthy and happy.
- Supporting families.
- Children can access a range of afterschool activities.
- Families in Morwell feel connected to the community.
- Improving adult learning and employment opportunities.
groups Site Partnership Group
Morwell Central Primary School, Morwell Park Primary School, Goodstart Early Learning, Latrobe City Council, TAFE Gippsland, Department of Education, Key Assets (Early Help), Department of Families, Fairness and Housing and Colman Education Foundation (Our Place).
attach_money Funding Partner
The William Buckland Foundation, as managed by Equity Trustees and Helen Macpherson Smith Trust.
attendances in 2023
An attendance happens each time a person attends a service or activity.
keyboard_return Looking Back
Moving Forward keyboard_return
- Health Screening Day: Our Place arranged a NDIS Early Childhood Approach alongside Latrobe Community Health Service and Goodstart Early Learning to screen and assess the children attending 4-year-old kindergarten. Families attended nearly all appointments, with referrals completed on the spot, and examples for further streamlining access to services for children who were identified
- Support for new parents: Baby College celebrated its first group of mothers with a graduation ceremony. Babies from this intake are achieving developmental milestones, and mothers are demonstrating improved confidence.
- Morwell Park Opening: A community celebration was held in November to recognise the opening of Our Place at Morwell Park, which was attended by senior representatives from Our Place, Department of Education and Latrobe City Council. A family celebration event followed the formalities and was well received by the school community.
- Early Help Family Services trial: Morwell was one of two Our Place sites involved in the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing’s Early Help trial. Emerging findings indicated that being located at an Our Place school site allowed family services to reach a broader range of vulnerable families.
- Early literacy: Focus on oral language development for children 0-3 years with the implementation of the Look, Say, Sing, Play strategy.
- Continuity of Learning: Progress strengthening the working relationship between our early learning providers and schools. Priorities areas for at the Morwell Central site are behaviours, while the Morwell Park site the focus is on oral language and literacy.
- Health service partnerships: Embed screening and assessment processes for early identification of developmental delays through a partnership with Latrobe Community Health services and LINK - NDIS Early Childhood Approach. Also focus on onboarding NDIS services providers to improve access to interventions for children with NDIS plans.
- Family engagement: Focus on strengthening engagement with Aboriginal families and fathers.