flag Implementation phase
Sustained implementation – Step Five
bookmarksSite priorities
- Children and young people are attending, engaging and aspiring as learners.
- Children, young people and families receive the health and wellbeing services they need.
- The capacity of families is built to enable confident arenting and strong community connections.
- Our community is connected to the Robinvale College ‘site’ as a place
groups Site Partnership Group
Robinvale College, Department of Education, Mallee Family Centre, Murray Valley Aboriginal Corporation, Robinvale Network House, Robinvale District Health Services, Swan Hill Rural City Council, YMCA Ballarat and the Colman Education Foundation (Our Place).
attach_money Funding Partner
Dusseldorp Forum.
attendances in 2023
An attendance happens each time a person attends a service or activity.
keyboard_return Looking Back
Moving Forward keyboard_return
- Site Strategic Plan: Preparation of a new Site Strategic Plan was nearly completed and involved active engagement by site partners in setting priorities for the site until 2027.
- Increased adult engagement: Attendance at adult engagement classes increased, with parents now leading the cooking class and sharing multicultural recipes.
- Employment opportunities: Funded by the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions, the Robinvale Euston Workforce Network continued to address economic inclusion for the community. It provided supported TAFE and hospitality training for senior students on-site and in the community.
- Prep enrolment increase: Prep enrolments for 2024 have increased at Robinvale College. Prep class sizes have doubled, with 11 new enrolments from the onsite early learning centre.
- Community Garden Open Day: More than 200 people attended Robinvale College’s onsite Community Garden to celebrate an open day as a part of wider activation of community facilities onsite.
- Continuity of Learning: Continuing to implement Continuity of Learning from Playgroups through to Primary School.
- Expanded Adult Opportunities: Expand opportunities for adults to volunteer, learn new skills, and build social connections.
- Deepening Family Engagement: Continue to develop and support opportunities for families to deepen their engagement with the school site. This includes supporting attendance and participation at site events.
- Local Workforce Collaboration: Work with local partners in the Robinvale Euston Workforce Network to deliver shared priorities. The includes supporting employment opportunities for the community.