flag Implementation phase
Sustained implementation – Step Five
bookmarksSite priorities
- Connecting children to services to support their health and development.
- Children are engaged and supported in their learning.
- Improve attendance for learning.
- Families in Westall feel connected to the community.
groups Site Partnership Group
Westall Primary School, Westall Secondary College, City of Kingston, Department of Education, Community Kinders Plus, Department of Families, Fairness and Housing and Colman Education Foundation (Our Place).
attach_money Funding Partner
Sabemo Foundation.
attendances in 2023
An attendance happens each time a person attends a service or activity.
keyboard_return Looking Back
Moving Forward keyboard_return
- Kindergarten rating achievement: Westall Kindergarten acknowledged Our Place’s important role in helping the kindergarten achieve an Exceeding rating in its recent assessment by the Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority.
- Promoting student voices: Student representatives from the primary and secondary school participated in a Site Partnership Group meeting. Their feedback is guiding the development of a shared approach to addressing instances of racism on-site.
- Community engagement: A new regular Morning Tea and Craft session was well attended by a diverse range of site parents. The school has commissioned the group to develop a multilingual welcome sign for its entrance.
- Increases enrolment: School review interviews with parents identified that Our Place’s hub approach is driving increased enrolments at Westall Primary School.
- Early literacy: Implemented the Paint the Town REaD Initiative to support positive home learning environments, with an emphasis on celebrating the value of reading to children in their first language.
- New early learning provider: Community Kinders Plus has been appointed the new early learning provider at Westall commencing from the beginning of 2024.
- Continuity of Learning: Orientate Community Kinders Plus to the key principles and further consolidate Continuity of Learning from Kindergarten to Foundation.
- Adult learning: Promote Adult English Language classes and collaborate with partners to investigate demand and options for providing Adult English Language classes on-site.
- Health Service Planning Project: Progress the Health Service Planning Project that commenced in 2023 to increase services on site.
- Cultural responsiveness: Increase opportunities to build a site-wide culturally responsive practice approach, including the elevation of parent and child voices.
- Enhancing wayfinding: Increase activation and wayfinding in the new interlink and provide a welcoming and safe place to learn, belong, and thrive.